Information on Gene Gianuzzi
Last Updated 11-23-2012 @ 0800 AM / I've been out of town, so there is a LOT of new information!

Porky show host Gene Gianuzzi has been in the hospital for about a week, and is in intensive care.  Doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong with him, and the family is at his bedside constantly.  Karen, his wife, has asked that his friends not call to get updates on his condition, since she's being deluged with phone calls.  She's asked that I be a clearing house on his condition, and has given me permission to post this page with Facebook updates from his daughter Denise on Genes condition.  There's nothing I can add or tell you besides what I'm posting.  I'll post any updates as they become available, so check back often.  Please keep Gene and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

September 22, 2012 @ 0800 AM:
From Karen:

Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for your concern and prayers. They still have Gene sedated and on the respirator. I think he is doing better. He seems more comfortable today. Denise is trying to give updates as often as possible. Please keep him in your prayers. They are helping!!

September 22, 2012 @ 0941 AM:
From Denise:

To my friends and family that are concerned about what's going on with my dad...we really don't know too much at this point. The doctors are running blood tests, spinal tests, MRI, CT scan. Today they are giving him a blood transfusion and starting him on dialysis. It is a very difficult time for us right now, but we will keep you posted as we hear anything. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words.  Update...blood transfusion and dialysis are done. Still don't know much more right now, but he is sedated and looks peaceful.  The family is here and we are all working together to keep each others spirits up.

September 22, 2012 @ 1020 AM:
From Denise:

We really don't know much at this point. The doctors are running every test they can and are trying to rule out a lot of things. Everyday they put him through more and more tests and I know they are working hard to make him well, but it is very frustrating to watch. I have been here everyday and have missed a week of work, but they understand that family comes first and that makes it easier. I am trying to post thing on fb as I know things because he has a lot of people that love him and want him to come out of this. Wish I could tell u more, but so far this is all we know. Thank you for caring and all the prayers.

Saw the neurologist he doesn't have tumors or lesions. They have started dialysis again. They had trouble, but it is working. They are hoping to pull him off sedation today. Will keep you posted.

September 22, 2012 @ 2000 PM:
From Denise:

Update on my dad...when we left he was on his second day of dialysis, seemed to be in a little pain by his blood pressure, gave him morphine and seemed to bring his blood pressure back to normal. He is still sedated, but looks to be resting comfortably. Haven't heard anymore from the doctors, but they did put him on a less strong sleep medication...if that makes sense. Will update when I know more tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your concern and being patient and waiting for my updates. Keep up the prayers!!

September 23, 2012 @ 1415 PM:
From Denise:

Update on my they are slowly taking him off the sedation, will have his third day of dialysis today for three hours, results from infectious disease doctor were clear and looks to be resting comfortably at this time. Keep him in yours prayers looks likes it's working.

September 24, 2012 @ 2100 PM:
From Denise:

Update...They took him off the sleep meds and are waiting to see if he wakes up without a problem. They were doing another treatment of dialysis and doing a EEG. We are meeting with the doctor and neurologist tomorrow at 1:30. Will update tomorrow.

September 26, 2012 @ 1100 AM:
From Nick:

This is an Update from Nick, not Denise.  In speaking to both Karen and Denise, there's been no change in Gene's condition.  He's still in ICU, and has still not regained consciousness.  To all of his friends, please continue to keep Gene and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  As soon as anything changes, I'll post the information to this page.

September 27, 2012 @ 1200 PM:
From Denise:

My dad opened his eyes today. Please keep praying.

September 27, 2012 @ 1850 PM:
From Denise:

Today we saw improvement and movement. We asked him if he wanted us to sell his patches and it looked like he was going to come off the bed and he shook his head no. He might fool us all! So happy right now!!! Thanks to everyone for your prayers.

September 29, 2012 @ 2015 PM:
From Nick:

This is an Update from Nick, not Denise. I spoke to Karen earlier today, and there's no change in Gene's condition.  While the family remains optimistic, they realize that the road to recovery may be a long one.  I'm in contact daily with the family, and if there's any change in Gene's condition, it will be posted here as soon as I hear something.  Again, please respect the family's privacy and do not call.  Check back to the website often and continue to keep Gene and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

September 30, 2012 @ 1315 PM:
From Denise:

My dad is responding a little more each day. So thankful to everyone for all the prayers and love you all.

September 30, 2012 @ 2130 PM:
From Denise:

I told my dad I loved him today and asked if he knew it and he nodded yes. Today was an amazing day. I really needed that. I will take his grumpiness over what we've been going through any day.

September 30, 2012 @ 2130 PM:
From Denise:

My brother Tony, my dad and course the cute little girl (lol) was me back in the day. Love my dad and miss my brother so much.

September 30, 2012 @ 2130 PM:
From Karen:

Today was a much better day for Gene and me. It actually seemed like he was trying to respond with nods for "yes" and shaking his head for "no". This may not sound like much, but we spent 13 days with no response at all. I have been so blessed with my amazing friends and family. I have had So much love and support I am in awe with all the kindness being shown to me. Thank you everyone especially keeping prayer going so I don't lose hope.!!! All we can hope for is that each day he improves. My love and deepest gratitude to all of you.


October 1, 2012 @ 2130 PM:
From Denise:

I didn't make it to the hospital today because I had to work, but my mom said my dad is breathing 99% on his own. Meeting with the doctor tomorrow so hopefully they will take the breathing tube out. Looking forward to better news tomorrow...will update tomorrow. Keep up the prayers and thank you to all that have been there for my mom. It means more than you know. Love you all!!

Good Friends, Great Times!

October 3, 2012 @ 0700 AM:
From Denise: dad had dialysis yesterday and today they are going to put in a trach. Please keep him in your prayers that things run smooth and this helps him to wake up and get his strength back and becomes more responsive.


October 3, 2012 @ 1200 PM:
From Denise:

The doctor got a response out of my dad today. Heading to the hospital. ;)

October 8, 2012 @ 1730 PM:
From Denise:

I'm trying to keep everyone posted on my dads condition, but I honestly don't know what to say right now. Please just keep him in your prayers.

October 9, 2012 @ 0630 AM:

Please do not contact the Gianuzzi family or any of their friends to inquire about Gene's condition. Any information the family wishes to release on Gene will be posted here as they want information disclosed. Please continue to pray for Gene and his family, thank you!

October 9, 2012 @ 0845A:
From Karen:

A quick update on Gene's condition . Every time they take him off antibiotics, his white cell count goes up and he has a fever again. They are trying to find the source of the infection, but every test has been negative. I want to thank everyone for the continual prayers and the love and support you have given me. It carries me from day to day. God bless you all.

October 9, 2012 @ 1345 PM:
From Denise:

I talked to my dad today and he looked at me and is responsive. So proud of him that he is fighting.

October 9, 2012 @ 1445 PM:
From Denise:

The doctors think my dad has some sort of viral infection, but still not sure. Wish these doctors could figure it out and give him something to make him better. Miss my dad being his normal grumpy self.

October 13, 2012
From Wendy:

I asked my dad if he new who I was, he said yes. I asked if he knew my name and he said yes. Then I asked what my name is and he said Wendy!!! He was doing so well. When we were leaving we told him we loved him and he said, "I love you too!!!" Thank you God for a good day with my dad. I needed one.

October 22, 2012 @ 1200 PM:
From Denise:

Update on my dad...he is speaking through his trach, but still not able to get out of bed or move very much. Seems depressed and angry, but I guess that must be normal. The doctors are trying to get him to start physical therapy, but he isn't really having it right now. Hopefully soon things will get better and ill have more news to report. The doctors still have no idea what caused all of this and I don't know if we will ever know, but as long as he shows signs of improvement then I guess that is all that matters right now. Thanks for the prayers!!!

From Karen:
October 27, 2012 @ 1900 PM:

Gene is really working hard with physical therapy. After laying in bed for almost 6 weeks, the doctors are amazed at how well he is doing. Right now it is mostly keeping his balance and learning how to move his arms and legs properly. Hoping to see him standing soon. We just have to be patient and he will get a little stronger each day.

From Karen:
November 7, 2012 @ 0800 AM:

Last night at 1:30 am , Gene has the nurse at the hospital call me . He wanted to know the names of our dogs!!!! Today is a new day! They are moving him to a rehab hospital. I don't know if he is ready, but I guess we will find out. Each day shows some improvement. He can sit up for longer periods of time. Still can't stand or walk, but we pray with rehab it will come back. Thanks to all my loving friends and family for prayers and moral support. I couldn't do this without all of you!! I love you all and I am so grateful to all of you.

From Karen:
November 8, 2012 @ 1900 PM:

This has been quite a day! I got to the hospital to find out that Gene had decided to remove his pik lines and his trach! He was a very busy guy last night!!! Today he was suppose to be transferred to a rehab hosp. But they didn't have a bed. lucky for them! He sleeps during the day and is up all night. Today had the most awesome blessing, Gene walked with a walker and a little help from physical therapists about four feet forward and back. That is a huge accomplishment for him. He has been in bed for 50 days!! This is an answer to prayer and I'm in awe of the Lord .. He is giving us miracle after miracle. Praise God !!!!

November 12, 2012 @ 0700 AM:
From Denise:

Update on my dad...Haven't been feeling good since last Thursday so I haven't been able to see my dad in the hospital. My mom, sister and aunt have said and sent pictures to me of him walking with a walker down the hall and are saying he might be able to come home soon. So proud of my dad for working so hard after almost two months in the hospital. Love you dad and miss u!!

November 12, 2012:
From Karen

Well ready or not Gene is being sent home tomorrow. He doesn't qualify for a rehab hosp. He is not that critical any more. We both are very nervous about this because he is very weak still. I am afraid he will fall. Can't get upstairs so I am setting him up in the dining room downstairs and I will have to take him to Denise's to shower. I have to take him to dialysis too. Don't know how I will be able to do all of this so please pray that I have the strength to give the kind of care he will need.

November 14, 2012:
From Denise

I am thankful that my mom is packing up my dad and he is coming home today. It will be nice to see him at home instead of the hospital. Thank you again everyone for the prayers. Daddy's home for the holidays!!

November 14, 2012:
From Denise

My dad is home now and doing great. The neighbor took him to get a much needed hair cut and wash. Can't wait to see him all cleaned up.

November 14, 2012:
From Karen

He's baaack!!!!! So happy he's home and well. After 8 weeks of being in the hospital







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